We will learn, hack, and explore different systems within computing, including software engineering and computer science. At the end of the day, this club should be fun and busy. Everyone is welcome, no matter your skill level.
Two areas we focus on are interactive fiction and procedural generation
When this course is over, what are you going to be able to understand and do? Aims provide a bulleted list of core ideas and skills. It would be great idea if you became curious about the aims on this list.
The goal of computer club is to have fun and be challenged. Please think of this as a a learning opportunity. If you are not interested in learning, please go somewhere else.
There is no assessment in this course.
Topics are big ideas, essential questions, and important skills in our course. All topics are assessed, formatively and summatively. Clicking the links below will bring you to a page which details the topic, and offers resources to help you understand them. Many courses share the same topics, but especially in the IB courses, the rigor and depth of the topics are more pronounced.
Teacher: Bill MacKenty, M.Ed.
Teacher email: bmackenty@aswarsaw.org
American School of Warsaw
Bielawa. 202 Warszawska Ul.
05-520 Konstancin-Jeziorna
Required materials include a fully charged school-issued computer with all software updated as directed in our getting started guide.
This is a club. we don't really have policies.
You are responsible for understanding and following these guidelines. At the end of the day, just cite your code.
From the Student Handbook:
Academic integrity is an expected trait in all students of ASW and is afforded the utmost value by all members of the faculty. The academic reputation of our students and the school in the wider community depend on it. Academic integrity expectations extend to all assessed and non-assessed school work and to all documentation produced for university and college applications. It is the expectation at ASW that all work and documentation submitted by students is entirely their own.
To ensure that high school students understand what constitutes academic honesty, teachers explicitly address the issue with all students at the start of each academic course.
Academic integrity means:
Conversely, academic dishonesty means:
When a faculty member determines that there has been a breach of academic integrity, the faculty member is required to inform the Principal of the incident.
Here is a guide how you can communicate with me. I am available most of the time. You should be aware of advantages and disadvantages for each method of communication:
Speak to me in person
Send me an email In-depth questions, with evidence that you have followed our guide to asking good questions will get replies.
Ask a question in our ask-for-help system
Ask a question on google classroom
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