The Big Question in Design: Evaluation

How do you know your design has solved the problem you set out to solve?

Description and resources for Design: Evaluation


Wouldn't it be weird if you designed a solution and never stopped to ask "did I solve the problem"? This topic is concerned with gathering data to determine if you solved the problem you wanted to solve. Here's the important point: when you design a solution other people need to tell you if you solved the problem. You might think "sure! I did it", but actually, you need some data to support and prove you solved the actual problem.

  1. I can design detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution
  2. I can critically evaluate the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product testing
  3. I can explain how the solution could be improved
  4. I can explain the impact of the product on the client/target audience


Transfer goals

You should be able to evaluate any solution to understand if it solved the problem it set out to solve. You should use external data to validate your evaluation.

Related Design: Evaluation standards

Daily notes with the topic Design: Evaluation

Notes for current academic year (2024 - 2025).

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