Solving Complex Problems Through Programming

Tuesday 17 August 2021 - Block 7
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Daily Note

Welcome back to school! 


Our big idea: 

  1. What is awesome about solving complex problems through programming?
    1. Learning and using python
    2. Starting to solve substantially different / more difficult problems
    3. You get to feel for "real-world problems" and "real world complexity". 


Our plan for the day: 

  1. We will introduce ourselves
  2. We will review the rules in our classroom
  3. We will review some of our classroom systems:
    1. google classroom
    2. We will connect with google classroom
    3. daily notes
  4. We will review some of the problems last year's student tackled (and look at problems from 2 years ago)
  5. We will be introduced to our class syllabus
  6. We will learn about input-processing-output model
    1. We will practice identifying input, process and output phase of a bunch of websites:
      1. Think, pair share: state the input, processing, output of this website.
      2. Think, pair share: state the input, processing, output of this website
      3. Think, pair, share: state the input, processing, output of this website.
      4. Think, pair, share: state the input, processing, output of this website.
      5. Think, pair, share: state the input, processing, output of this website.
      6. Think, pair, share: state the input, processing, output of this website.
      7. Think, pair, share: state the input, processing, output of this website.
  7. We will review our learning

Your homework for today: 

  1. Please carefully read our class syllabus
  2. Please follow the instructions in our getting started guide




Our Big idea

The big idea for today is Course orientation.

The essential questions for this topic are:

What do I need to know, understand and do to be prepared for this class?

It takes time to explore and really understand a big idea. If you want to
learn more about course orientation (which is connected to today's daily note), please click here .

We are learning this because as a designers must understand scientific and technical innovation. Designers use systems, models, methods, and processes to solve problems.

Reminders & routines:

No reminder