IB Year 1 Higher Level Computer Science

Friday 14 February 2025 - Block 1
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Daily Note

So many programming languages! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkDz62xz15k

What is the best programming language: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfWGJS7rckk


Let's review networking


  • Identify different types of networks.
  • Outline the importance of standards in the construction of networks.
  • Describe how communication over networks is broken down into different layers.
  • Define the terms: protocol, data packet.
  • Explain why protocols are necessary.
  • Explain why the speed of data transmission across a network can vary.
  • Outline the advantages and disadvantages of wireless networks.
  • Describe the hardware and software components of a wireless network.
  • Describe the characteristics of wireless networks.
  • Explain how data is transmitted by packet switching.
  • Outline the characteristics of different transmission media.


  • Identify the technologies required to provide a VPN.
  • Evaluate the use of a VPN.
  • Explain why compression of data is often necessary when transmitting across a network.
  • Describe the different methods of network security.
  • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each method of network security.


Statement of Inquiry

The big idea for today is Computational thinking.

The essential questions for this topic are:

How do we think about problems in a way which makes them solvable for a computer?

It takes time to explore and really understand a big idea. If you want to
learn more about computational thinking (which is connected to today's daily note), please click here .

We are learning this because as a designers must understand scientific and technical innovation. Designers use systems, models, methods, and processes to solve problems.

Reminders & routines:

Please read and follow these reminders:

  1. IF this_class == first_class_of_day:
  2. IF today == Friday: